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Systems Cycle

My thoughts of passion faltered by your unseemly ways

My thoughts of joy, snubbed by your searing gaze

Life without you’s different not entirely good

Life with you is wild like no life should be

Your pain pushed me into unmeasurable end

Your tyranny cursed me and pain became my bitter friend

Grief, so lyrical a poet paused

Belief so unstable fear was all it caused

cycles endless befriend, the hopeless, so they never leave.

Hearts, heave sporadically crowds of people shielded from reality.

How to find joy when all hope is lost? To bring truth to power, no matter the cost?

How to shake awake the ones who won’t believe who thinks the news is good because it’s all they received.

Thoughtless puppets revel in lies.

Tyrannical masters control their demise.

Leaving promises of truth, of knowledge, of gold so you’ll forget his ways are not new they are old.

He’s not the first master who’s bewitched a  crowd. He’s not the first person to silence the loud.

February 2023